Better Oral Health for every Montanan!

The Foundation's mission is to support initiatives and programs that promote, provide or improve oral health for all Montanans through the support of dental education and access to care.
Your donations have supported Montana students with scholarships at the Great Falls College-MSU dental hygiene and dental assisting programs and the Salish Kootenai dental assisting program. In addition, because of your generosity, MOHF has provided college pre-dental clinics, dental supplies for charitable care, elementary schools student dental sealants, AbCd training, MDA's oral health public awareness campaign, and more.
In 2021, MOHF contributed $25,000 towards the Great Falls College-MSU dental clinic's expansion enabling the school to train and graduate more dental hygienists.
MOHF is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit governed by a board composed of dentists and leaders from the community at large.