What We Do

As a member of the Montana Dental Association, you get full access to benefits and services at the local, state, and national (tripartite) levels. It's the "Power of Three." Take advantage of resources for your practice, news and professional information, member-only products and services, and much more.

MDA serves as your advocate with state and federal lawmakers and regulators. Learn more about this how this advocacy benefits you, and how to get involved.

🎓 Continuing Education
MDA and our local component societies provide frequent opportunities for continuing education. See the calendar of upcoming opportunities for local, state, and national CE.

Practice Management
Let us help improve your practice. Click here to learn more about the resources provided by MDA and ADA.

Members Only Products & Services
We've got a deal for you. Learn about our special deals on insurance, credit card processing, banking, and more.

News & Information
Stay up to date with news about the dentistry profession, your peers, and the latest technical information.

ADA Member Benefits
Learn about all the benefits you get as an American Dental Association member.

ADA Center for Practice Success
A unique, simple and convenient career enhancement tool provided by ADA.

Membership Directory
Connect with your dental colleagues through the American Dental Association database.