Silent Auction Winners

To paraphrase Winston Churchill: "Dentists make a living by what they earn, they make a life by what they give." Give first to your family and community. If you are fortunate to have some left, please give to MOHF to “Ensure our Oral Health Future” and leave a legacy for dentistry in Montana.
Ways to give:
Make a direct donation to MOHF (a 501(c)(3) charitable entity) to support ongoing scholarships, grants, and education within our state. We can accept many types of gifts as noted in our "Gift Acceptance Policy." Please consider us in your estate planning and anytime you think of giving back to your profession.
The Doug and Sue Hadnot Fund was created in 2017 and allows you to take advantage of the Montana Endowment Tax Credit. Click here for full details from the Montana Community Foundation where our fund resides.
Contribute to the Doug and Sue Hadnot Fund
(This link takes you to the Montana Community Foundation website. Wait for the "Document Form" to load under "Give Now". Select "Doug & Sue Hadnot Montana Oral Health Endowment" under "I want to support".)
Please consult your tax advisor for planning

MOHF supports Community Preventive Dentistry Events

Growing Up Smiling!
On March 2nd, 2019 the Sixth District Dental Society hosted 'Growing Up Smiling!'. The event was held at the Bozeman Public Library with the goal of greeting the youngest in our community and engaging in activities to share our love of oral health! Volunteers included pediatric dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, pre-dental students from MSU, Sealant for Smiles and other community members. We were also joined by a nutritionist and two speech therapists and a special surprise guest, Montana Senator Steve Daines and his wife. Even with the snowy weather we welcomed many happy faces to our photo booth, our educational stations and sent them on their way with tooth brushes and oral health supplies thanks to Montana Oral Health Foundation! Thank you to everyone who supported the oral health of the children of Gallatin Valley!