MDA 2017 Legislation and Issues

MDA getting ready for 2017 Legislative Session

While the 2017 Montana Legislature won't convene until January 9, the MDA is already gearing up for what could be a major session for dentistry and health care. MDA has adopted a proactive strategy in past sessions and bills are now being prepared, MoDePAC is making contributions to legislative candidates and plans are being made for your participation in grassroots lobbying and the MDA Dental Day at the Legislature on January 12.

MDA will sponsor legislation that:

  • Requires third-party reimbursement for services delivered by tele-dentistry
  • Reforms Medicaid overpayment audits
  • Allows general supervision for some dental assistant functions and
  • Mandates third-party coverage for anesthesia services for dental treatment in hospital ORs.

The Montana Legislature homepage includes comprehensive information on bills, hearings, finding your legislators, and meetings of interim committees in 2016.

MDA Grassroots Dentist Lobbyists

Legislators listen more closely to their constituents than to any lobbyist. Your contact with legislators by phone, email, letter, or best of all, in person, carries home MDA's message. As a citizen lobbyist, you are not required to register with the state. All you need do is contact your legislators when MDA emails you an alert on an upcoming issue.

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Tips for Contacting Legislators

MDA Dental Day at the Legislature, January 27, 2017